首页 > 其他类型 > 够级五连打最新经典片段 > 第148章 落日余晖

第148章 落日余晖(第1/1 页)

最新其他类型小说: 综漫:我的姐夫是天与暴君人间侦探末世生存法纹身九龙拉棺,吓哭红衣女鬼穿越港片世界的神级天师诸天融合:我替蓝星争夺天道三界缉凶精灵之守灵人同桌竟是我的病娇读者NBA模拟器!我十冠王朝!需要懂得101个财富哲理小道士陈不欺某不科学的平静生活轻音少女和猫少年骇客之捡到红色超能仪沙暴末世:我储水十万亿吨!僵尸校园,有亿把枪不过分吧新还珠之团宠燕子翩翩飞末世凶兽:我也想做姐姐的狗盗墓笔记:万象重归


"The tide gently laps against the shore, alternately retreating and tenderly embracing the sands. Silently immersed in this wordless dialogue, they savor the freshness of the sea breeze against their faces.

As the sun gradually descends, the sky transforms into a rich spectrum, shifting from pale blue to orange-red, unfolding a magical canvas. Distant clouds, bathed in the hues of the evening glow, resemble soft feathers floating in the sky.

The man delicately clasps the woman's hand in his own, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange, conveying profound understanding. In this tranquil moment, they seem to sense the ripples within each other's souls, much like the gentle waves caressing the shoreline.

With the ebb and flow of the tide, and the residual glow of the setting sun sinking below the sea's horizon, a warm afterglow remains. They continue to sit serenely on the sand, witnessing the sun bid farewell, carrying away the



